Rubbish Collection from Waterside
Our weekly collection day is Friday (Red), with all rubbish out at the kerbside by 7am. While the food waste box is emptied weekly, the green and blue bin cycle is fortnightly. Go to www.oxford.gov.uk to find out more.
What goes in the green bin?
Anything that cannot be recycled... it goes to landfill or incineration. Please see below for bulky waste.
What goes in the blue recycling bin?
Look on the Oxford Council website for a full list, but most plastic, metal, glass, foil food containers, plastic food pots, cling film, bubble wrap and drinks cartons. Anything which has had food in it must be washed out.
What can’t go in the blue recycling box (but looks as though it could)?
You can’t put these in: broken glass or mirrors, china, polystyrene, textiles, dirty kitchen paper, jiffy bags, sweet wrappers, plastic toys, batteries, mobile phones, electrical goods and light bulbs.
What can be disposed of separately in a plastic bag on top of your blue recycling bin?
Batteries, light bulbs, small electrical items.
What goes in the brown bin?
You can pay for a garden waste bin, which is emptied on the same day as the green bin.
It will take: branches no more than 5cm/2 inches diameter, flowers, garden prunings, grass cuttings, hedge trimmings, leaves, plants and weeds, small shrubs, shredded paper (can also go in blue bin, box or sack). There is a yearly one off charge of £60. NB. The council are currently not accepting new applications for brown bins until February 2023.
Bulky Waste Collection
Tel: 01865 249811
A chargeable service of £20 - £30 per item. Please call to book the service.
Where can I store my bins?
Ideally you should store your bin out of sight on your own property.
A number of people - particularly in Plater Drive and Merton Court - are leaving their bins outside their house-fronts all week. This is acceptable if they are hidden behind shrubs but often they are left out on the pavement. They are not only unsightly and unpleasant, but obstruct people with push-chairs, disabled people, etc.